Coconut Oil – So Many Uses

I bought my first jar of coconut oil about a year ago after reading multiple posts on Pinterest about its many great uses. Since then, I have discovered that coconut oil really is quite versatile and amazing stuff. Here are some of the things I have been using it for:

– Frizz cream – I keep a small plastic container with about 1/2 cup of coconut oil in my bathroom cabinet to smooth on my wet hair after my nightly shower. This works as well as any commercial frizz creams that I have used. I have learned though to go easy as a little goes a long way. I use just a tiny amount each time and 1/2 cup of oil lasts for a few months. I have also used a tiny bit of coconut oil on dry hair as I style it in the morning to tame frizzies.

– Cooking – I melt coconut oil to use for frying foods. It works well, is healthier than vegetable or canola oils, and smokes less than olive oil. Since coconut oil is solid at room temperature it is also a good substitute for shortening in baked goods.

– Moisturizer – I sometimes use coconut oil in place of lotion for dry skin. It’s especially good on rough places like knees and elbows. I don’t use this on my face because I’m afraid it would be too greasy, but a little on dry legs and arms works well.

There are many, many other uses for this wonderful stuff. I have pinned a recipe for homemade coconut oil shampoo that I would like to try soon. I’d also like to try some of the other uses for it that I have seen listed on Pinterest and other blogs. What do you use coconut oil for?