I Choose Thankful

I have had a Murphy’s Law sort of week. You know, the kind of week where if anything can go wrong it will? In the last 7 days I have: had a broken water heater, a broken window mechanism on the car, lost a grandparent, found mold in the carpet thanks to the broken water heater, went through a viewing and funeral, had taxes due, and found out that my work hours are being cut. This along with the normal craziness of being wife and mommy along with a few bruises to my little ball players. Whew! I could choose to react in a lot of different ways, but this time, I choose thankful.

Yes, thankful, because there is much to be thankful for. The grandparent is now in Heaven, the funeral was a chance to see family from all over, the window is at least mostly up on the car so that rain doesn’t get in, the water heater has been replaced, moldy part of the carpet cut out, the ball players have only minor bruises (and nothing is cooler to a Little Leaguer than a bruise with baseball seam marks on it), an unexpected financial gift arrived which will help with some of the repairs, even though hours will be cut, I still have a job as does my husband, and …….God is good.

So for this past week of things not going the way I would like,  I set aside my normal stressed out reactions, and I choose thankful.

But Murphy is welcome to move out now. I think a week is a long enough visit. 😉